Real Ear Measurements

Hearing aids are transformative devices designed to enhance audibility and improve the quality of life for those with hearing loss. However, the effectiveness of these devices hinges on their precise calibration and fit.

"I have gone to Dr. Jackson for more than 5 years, both when she was at another practice as well as currently, since establishing her own practice. She is thorough, willing to spend as much time as necessary to adequately test/examine all aspects of my hearing loss and explain everything thoroughly. I recommend her highly"

Tom Zimmerman
Tom Zimmerman

Hearing aids are transformative devices designed to enhance audibility and improve the quality of life for those with hearing loss. However, the effectiveness of these devices hinges on their precise calibration and fit. This is where Real Ear Measurements (REM) come into play.

What is Real Ear Measurement?

REM, sometimes referred to as probe microphone measurement, is a sophisticated procedure that measures the sound pressure levels inside the ear canal while a hearing aid is worn. This method provides invaluable insights into how the hearing aid performs in real-time, ensuring that the device is tailored to the unique acoustics of each individual's ear.

Why Choose REM?

  1. Personalized Calibration: Every ear is distinct, with variations in shape, size, and acoustics. REM ensures that hearing aids are adjusted to cater to these individual differences, delivering optimal sound quality.
  2. Speech Clarity: REM focuses on enhancing audibility across a wide range of frequencies, ensuring clear comprehension of speech, from the soft tones of a child to the deeper resonances of a male voice.
  3. Best Practices: Leading professional associations and consumer reports advocate for REM, emphasizing its significance in achieving the best outcomes from hearing aids. Studies indicate that a vast majority of patients prefer the settings of hearing aids calibrated using REM.
  4. Detecting Auditory Issues: REM can identify specific hearing challenges, enabling audiologists to recommend the most suitable interventions or adjustments.

The REM Procedure:

During the REM test:

  • A thin probe microphone or insert is gently placed into the ear canal alongside the hearing aid.
  • Various speech recordings are played to simulate different listening environments.
  • The microphone captures the sound delivered by the hearing aid, allowing the audiologist to make real-time adjustments for optimal performance.

Experience the Difference with REM

If you're considering hearing aids or feel that your current devices aren't delivering their best, REM could be the key to unlocking their full potential. This service ensures that your hearing aids are not just devices, but personalized tools tailored to enhance your auditory experience.

For more information or to schedule a REM test, please contact us. Let us help you hear the world as it's meant to be heard.

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